User Agent parser API documentation
This API version is old version, please read the new one Go to new Version
Userparser User Agent Parser API has an incredible user agent look up API for free for 10,000 per month. You want more? you can upgrade anytime.
If you want to parse your users user agent we have a good solution for you you can register and get your API key from your dashboard page then with that API key, you can parse any of your users user agent simply, and easily.
How can you integrate that with your system, Let us help you out step by step in this documentation.
In case if we left unanswered for any question you might ask please let us know it.
API Overview
After getting your uniquely generated hashed API key you can append and use it like this.'YOUR_API_KEY';
Protect your API key: To prevent unauthorized use of your API key, please make sure to keep your API key private and safe from third parties. In case if you want to reset or change it you can do it in your dashboard page.
Now get your users user agent data, if you use PHP you can get it by just looking up the HTTP_USER_AGENT header.
$user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
Now to use all the above variables to make the whole new URL.
API Response
Our API response is either through JSON or XML as you want.
We've an optional parameter called format which uses to choose either JSON or XML response. If you don't specify this parameter the API response will be in JSON format (defualt API response is JSON).
JSON Response
"info": {
"status": "success",
"message": "The user agent was parsed successfully.",
"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; SM-A505F) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.101 Mobile Safari/537.36"
"browser": {
"name": "Chrome",
"version": "98",
"fullVersion": "98.0.4758.101",
"engine": "Blink"
"operatingSystem": {
"name": "Android",
"version": "11"
"device": {
"name": "Samsung Galaxy A50",
"type": "Smartphone",
"brand": "Samsung",
"screenResolutionWidth": "1080px",
"screenResolutionHeight": "2340px",
"viewportWidth": "412px",
"viewportHeight": "756px",
"language": null,
"isTouchScreen": true,
"isMobile": true
"crawler": {
"isCrawler": false,
"name": null,
"owner": null,
"category": null,
"url": null,
"lastSeen": null
XML Response
<message>The user agent was parsed successfully.</message>
<ua>Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; SM-A505F) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.101 Mobile Safari/537.36</ua>
<name>Samsung Galaxy A50</name>
API Error handler
Whenever the API failed to process the request, it gives the reason of the failure in the status and message of the API response.
The response in the status name has an error value in error response.
The response in the message name has the reason of the error response.
General speaking whenever there is error in the request process the status will be return error value. And the message name will have the error reason.
Object | Description |
status | error |
message | error reason |
API Error example
"info": {
"status": "error",
"message": "Invalid API KEY, please get your valid API key from here [ ]."
API Response Objects
Based on your request parameters and our API response data there are more than 24 API response objects.
Object | Description |
info > status | Returns success or error |
info > message | Returns the message that varies by end-point |
info > ua | Returns the User Agent provided by you. |
browser > name | Returns the name of the browser. |
browser > version | Returns the whole number version of the browser or null. |
browser > fullVersion | Returns the full version of the browser or null. |
browser > engine | Returns the Render engine of the browser or null. |
operatingSystem > name | Returns the name of the operating system or null. |
operatingSystem > version | Returns the version of the operating system or null. |
device > name | Returns the name of the device or null. |
device > type | Returns either TV, Desktop, Tablet, Smartphone or Crawler. |
device > brand | Returns the Brand name of the device or null. |
device > screenResolutionWidth | Returns the width of the device screen resolution with px or null. |
device > screenResolutionHeight | Returns the height of the device screen resolution with px or null. |
device > viewportScreenWidth | Returns the width of the device viewport screen with px or null. |
device > viewportScreenHeight | Returns the height of the device viewport screen with px or null. |
device > language | Returns the language of the browser and most of the time the browser set to defualt Language of the device or null. |
device > isTouchScreen | Returns true or false. |
device > isMobile | Returns true or false. |
crawler > isCrawler | Returns true or false. |
crawler > name | Returns the name of the crawler or null. |
crawler > owner | Returns the owner name of the crawler or null. |
crawler > category | Returns the category of the crawler (search-engine, Marketing, Monitors, sitemap-generator, Scrapers, etc... or null. |
crawler > url | Returns the URL of the crawler or null. |
crawler > lastSeen | Returns When was the crawler last seen or null. |
API HTTP GET Request Parameters
The API have two required parameters and one another optional parameter.
Object | Description |
api_key | [Required] Your API key, can be found in your dashboard page. |
ua | [Required] Your users user agent. |
format | [Optional] Your chosen API response format, either throughJSON or XML format. |
Code Examples
You can use our API service in any programming language you want. Some of them
$json_url = "";
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $json_url);
$json_data = curl_exec($ch);
$json_result = json_decode($json_data);
if($json_result->browser->name == "Chrome"){
echo "Its a Chrome browser.";
Before sending your user agent to the API, use the built-in PHP function urlencode().
urlencode() is a function in PHP that is used to encode a string into a URL-friendly format. It converts special characters, such as spaces and punctuation marks, into their respective hexadecimal values.
You can use it like this
$urlencoded_user_agent = urlencode($user_agent); // With encoded url like this, your request is safe.
import requests
json_data = requests.get('')
if json_data.json()['browser']['name'] == 'Chrome':
print ('Its a Chrome browser.');
url: '',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'JSON',
data: {
api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
success: function(json) {
if (json.device && json.device.type == 'Smartphone') {
console.log("It's a Smartphone.");
Full PHP code example
$json_url = "";
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $json_url);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$json_data = json_decode($result);
if($json_data->info->status == "success"){
$brawserName = $json_data->browser->name;
$browserVersion = $json_data->browser->version;
$browserFullVersion = $json_data->browser->fullVersion;
$renderEngine = $json_data->browser->engine;
$osName = $json_data->operatingSystem->name;
$osVersion = $json_data->operatingSystem->version;
$deviceName = $json_data->device->name;
$deviceType = $json_data->device->type;
$deviceBrand = $json_data->device->brand;
$screenWidth = $json_data->device->screenResolutionWidth;
$screenHeight = $json_data->device->screenResolutionHeight;
$viewportScreenWidth = $json_data->device->viewportScreenWidth;
$viewportScreenHeight = $json_data->device->viewportScreenHeight;
$languageDetection = $json_data->device->language;
$isTouchScreen = $json_data->device->isTouchScreen;
$isMobile = $json_data->device->isMobile;
$apiResultMessage = $json_data->info->message;
$userAgent = $json_data->info->ua;
$isCrawler = $json_data->crawler->isCrawler;
$crawlerName = $json_data->crawler->name;
$crawlerOwner = $json_data->crawler->owner;
$crawlerCategory = $json_data->crawler->category;
$crawlerUrl = $json_data->crawler->url;
$crawlerLastSeen = $json_data->crawler->lastSeen;
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Happy coding 😊